
*1円スタート*Cisco ASR 9000 シリーズ アグリゲーション サービス ルータ ASR-9001 V07 動作確認・初期化済み

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新品 56,100円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :88287491 発売日 2024/11/10 定価 56,100円 型番 88287491

*1円スタート*Cisco ASR 9000 シリーズ アグリゲーション サービス ルータ ASR-9001 V07 動作確認・初期化済み

【製品仕様】メーカー Cisco 型 番ASR-9001V07状 態初期化済み・動作確認済みとなります。搭載モジュール類Cisco ASR 9000 シリーズ モジュラ ラインカード(A9K-MPA-20X1GE)
・SFP-10G-SR×3本搭載FANASR-9001-FAN-V2 V3付属品電源ケーブル×2本
【起動ログ】Starting Initialization of FMAN0
Loading ucode for FMAN0, size:6992, ver: 101.08.00
Starting Initialization of FMAN1
Loading ucodefor FMAN1, size: 6992, ver: 101.08.00
Serdes Protocol: 0x10CPU Reset Reason = 0x0001
Initializing GIGE SW...
PPC P40X0(partnum 0x8023), Revision 03.00, (Core Version 03.01)  Sys Clock:  100 Mhz
 Core Clock: 1500Mhz
 Plat Clock:  800 Mhz
  LBC Clock:   25Mhz
  MEM Clock: 1300 Mhz System Bootstrap, Version 3.4(20160331:102636) [ASR9KROMMON],
Copyright (c) 1994-2016 by Cisco Systems, Inc.Compiled Thu 31-Mar-16 15:56 by skumarssBoard Type:     0x100401
CPU Board => Rev:0x3
  FPGA ver:01.0f
      CBC: 16.72
DTI programmed with latest imageTIMEX programmed with latest image
MLAN init done: ready to connectto the network
BCM5482PhyInit () : Port 0 --> SFP Notpresent
BCM5482PhyInit () : Port 1 --> SFP Not presentset_chassis_type: chassis_type=0xef0400 found=TRUE
ASR9001E (P40X0PPC) RSP platform with 8192 Mb of main memoryprogram load complete, entry point: 0x100000, size: 0x2ac20
Set baudrate to:9600
                     program load complete, entry point: 0x100000, size: 0x2ac20
Set baudrate to:9600
                     MBI Candidate = disk0:asr9k-os-mbi-6.1.4/0x100000/mbiasr9k-rp.vm    CARD_SLOT_NUMBER:0
        CPU_INSTANCE: 1
MBIValidation starts ...Disabling both Mgt LAN ports
Enabling Cluster Port 0 and disablingPort 1
BCM5482 cluster port-1 reset done !!
Port 0. SFP Not Ready(0:0). Init faileddtsec_init_hw: configuring DTSEC (port 8) for: 1GB, FullDuplex
Interface link changed state to UP.
Interface link stateup.MBI validation sending request.
HIT CTRL-C toabort
No MBI confirmation received from dSC
        CPU_INSTANCE: 1
MBIValidation starts ...
Enabling Cluster Port 1 and disabling Port0
BCM5482 cluster port-0 reset done !!
Port 1. SFP Not Ready (0:0).Init faileddtsec_init_hw: configuring DTSEC (port 8) for: 1GB, FullDuplex
Interface link changed state to UP.
Interface link stateup.MBI validation sending request.
HIT CTRL-C toabort
No MBI confirmation received from dSCAUTOBOOT: Boot string =disk0:asr9k-os-mbi-6.1.4/0x100000/mbiasr9k-rp.vm,1;
AUTOBOOT:autobootstate=0, autobootcount=0, cmd=bootdisk0:asr9k-os-mbi-6.1.4/0x100000/mbiasr9k-rp.vm Boot Status 16
program load complete, entry point: 0x100000,size: 0x2ac20
Set baud rate to: 9600MBI size from header = 21979816,Bootflash resident MBI filesize =21979816
programload complete, entry point: 0x204184, size: 0x14f53a8 Boot Status 17
Config = SMP, Running = SMP
Board type:0x00100401
Card Capability =0x00000000
BSP: Board type :ASR9K-RSP-I
tracelogger: starting tracing in background ringmode
tracelogger running with args: -startring -F 1 -F2
             Restricted Rights LegendUse, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is
subject torestrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c) of the CommercialComputer Software - Restricted
Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 andsubparagraph
(c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data andComputer
Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013.           ciscoSystems,Inc.
           170West TasmanDrive
           SanJose, California 95134-1706 Cisco IOS XR Software for the Cisco XR ASR9K, Version6.1.4
Copyright (c) 2017 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Jan 31 23:44:18.956:Install Setup: Booting with committed software
Initializing Punt-switch...
Initializing Punt-switch ...
Set RP CPU Cluster port in DSAmode
Init STP group for Cluster ports forwarding state controldone
Cluster: Boot Request Filter configured
Cluster: Control Linkmonitor proto filter configured
Successfully initialized punt-switch(26ports).
SPP has connected to PAKMAN....
SPP registered CPU port 4with DPAA
SPP Port Idx 0 MAC addr -->00:70:72:00:00:08
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:Jan 31 23:43:48.748 : imio[64]:%PLATFORM-IMIO-3-OPERATION_NOTIFY
: imio_main: cold start
ios con0/RSP0/CPU0 is now available  Press RETURN to get started.






